Projects Unlimited Auction – 2015
Projects Unlimited Auction 2015 – Results
Another successful auction was held at District Conference this year. The grand total in gifts to our outreach programs was $6651.50. Thank you to all the people that donated items for the auction and a big thank you to all the volunteers that made the auction possible. Also thanks to Troy Wedel, our auctioneer, who always does a great job. And, a special thank you to Jana Goering for all the time and effort she puts into making the auction a success.
Here is a breakdown of the donations:
Haiti Medical – $155.00
Camp Colorado – $593.50
Camp Mt Herman – $1139.50
Cedars Guild – $150.00
Western Plains – $2106.00
Trees for Life – $528.00
Lybrook – $921.00
EYN – $352.50
Brethren Disaster – $706.00
Hope to see each of you next year for another successful auction!