Leads in discerning and calling qualified persons to assignments in areas of their spiritual gifts, passion, and experience to carry out District ministries.
Team Members: Frances Oltman, Chair – Hutchinson, Charla Tilton – Quinter, Janice Crist – Quinter, Sonja Griffith – First Central
Ex Officio: Allan van Asselt – McPherson (Moderator-Elect), Leslie Kendall – Topeka (LT Vice-Chair), Randy Yoder (District Executive Minister)
The Gifts Discernment Team calls forth leadership, for specific positions of service and ministry, from throughout the district, through a process saturated in prayer and discernment over the gifts and passions persons exhibit. This “gifts discernment” process better matches the Brethren understanding of the “priesthood of all believers,” than our prior nominating committee. Where the latter called forth those who were willing and able to serve to fill a position, this process helps to cultivate a “culture of calling” based on, not only willingness to fill a vacant space, but a giftedness and passion to serve a ministry role. A subtle, but effective, shift in how the Church of the Brethren does “business” in Western Plains.