Continuing Education

(Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)


Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are required for all Ordained Ministers in the Church of the Brethren.

Ministers who are working in a full-time ministry are required to receive 5 CEUs in a 5-year period.

Ministers who are working part-time or less in a ministerial role, are required to receive 2.5 CEUs in a 5-year period.

1 CEU is equivalent to 10 hours of participation in an accredited program for Continuing Education.

Being called to Set-Apart Ministry is a responsibility as well as a privilege.
CEUs help ministers to gain experience and knowledge, as well as accountability to their ministerial path.


Click on the links below to learn about CEUs being offered through Church of the Brethren programs.

Ventures in Christian Discipleship through McPherson College

Bethany Seminary Continuing Education Opportunities