Please join us for Western Plains District’s
Leadership Training for pastors AND lay church leaders!
When: February 10-11, 2023
Where: Heartland Center for Spirituality, Great Bend, KS
Focus for our time together:
The Gospel Next Door: Tools for Joining Jesus in the Neighborhood
Stan Dueck, Facilitator
Description: The Gospel is more than simply God’s plan for redeeming our individual spiritual lives; it includes everything … the spiritual and the physical. In the same way, our communities, whether rural, suburban, or urban, are in need of Gospel transformation. So how might we be the benefactors and curators of this process?
Often our response is, what can we do to plant more churches or revitalize existing ones?
Instead, since the Gospel is the good news of the in-breaking Kingdom of God and reconciliation through Christ, how can the Gospel best be expressed for human flourishing in our particular setting?”
We are not called to be passive observers of the changes in our neighborhoods and communities. Instead, what might the places we reside become if Christians, individually and collectively as churches, were to join Jesus in the neighborhood to promote a Gospel-centered human flourishing?
Join the conversation and discovery at the February sessions as we engage the following essential themes related to Christians joining Jesus in our neighborhoods with a Gospel-centered human flourishing.
- Encountering Biblical texts and how discipleship is essential to joining Jesus in the neighborhood
- What are the realities facing the Church, and why does a congregation’s purpose matter.
- What valuable tools and resources can best help you join Jesus in your neighborhood and community?
As in the past, all costs to participate, including meals, are underwritten by district funds as a part of our transformation initiative. These events are planned for all pastors and all congregational and district leaders to provide transformational training as well as fellowship and other spiritual growth opportunities. Up to 1.9 CEUs available for ministers.
If you have any questions, please contact the District Office at 620-241-4240 or office@wpcob.org