CRT Minutes – 4/9/17
Teleconference at 4 pm April 9
Members attending: Wylene Lengel, Gloria Price
Members absent: Anna Mae Achilles, Dale Minnich, Deb Tuttle, Terri Torres
Gloria opened the meeting with devotions.
Terri sent an update on the women’s retreat:
Womens’ Retreat Summary – 2017
The 2017 Western Plains District Womens’ Retreat was enjoyed by nearly 70 women at the Crosswinds Retreat Center in Hesston, Kansas. The theme – The Tie That Binds – was successfully carried out through a variety of speakers and worship services. Jean Hendricks spoke about how our individual stories can bind us together; Pearl Miller and Carolyn Schrock shared about the Global Womens’ Project and how women in Africa and America are being helped to better their lives and the lives of their families; Sonja Griffith related stories about her trip to Nigeria and how the Church of the Brethren there is continuing to forge ahead and rebuild in the face of continuing persecution; Joanna Smith introduced us to Centering Prayer and the concept that we are all one in Christ Jesus. Both worship services centered around how worship can bind us together. And there was plenty of time for relaxing, fellowshipping, working on projects, and just being together. Quinter, Hutchinson and McPherson churches all contributed to the planning of the weekend. There are tentative plans for the retreat in Colorado next year and the Wichita First Church of the Brethren has volunteered to host the 2019 Womens’ Retreat in Hesston.
Gloria reported on her trip to Lybrook and how it really opened her eyes. She is still pursuing use of the deacon book. She will attend the area meeting of 5 to 6 churches and talk about what our team does.
Wylene reported that she has sent documentation to Taulee Grothusen for the children’s program at District Conference.
The yearly report is due in May so each team member needs to submit their respective reports by May 1.
Wylene reported that she submitted the following for the 2018 budget:
1). Increase children’s coordinator stipend from $250 to $325 for District Conference
2). Increase both youth directors salaries by 2%
3). Increase junior youth director’s salary by an additional $500 to make it more in line with the senior youth director’s salary.
Next meeting May 7 at 2 pm.