A greeting from your District Moderator
To the Churches of the Western Plains District
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to our meeting together at District Conference in McPherson July 28-30, 2017. The theme for conference this year is: “Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness” found in Psalm 96:9a and a few other places in the Old Testament.
Our time together will include many opportunities for worship, fellowship, insight sessions, and even reports and business. In worship and some insight sessions we will be exploring the theme with different kinds of worship and what “splendor of holiness” might mean for us. There will be hymn singing to begin worship and business sessions as well as some more contemporary praise songs during worship. Come expecting to experience a variety of worship.
The Bylaws committee has put hard work into rewriting bylaws for the way we do business together to reflect changes that have been made in recent years. Please have your delegates review this information when it comes in the delegate packets as this will be voted on this year at conference. There is an insight session about this so conversation can be had about this important decision.
Please continue to pray for the leadership and all in attendance as we seek the mind and will of Christ for how best to do district work together.
Blessings in Christ,
Jon Tuttle