Register for District Conference!
Published on May 2nd, 2013
| Summer is coming! (hopefully!) And District Conference will be here before we know it. Download the conference registration form and children’s activities/childcare registration form. Please pass these on to anyone who might like to attend conference. All are welcome!
Please also note several changes in registration and the conference schedule:
- A trial registration subsidy has been added this year. An information sheet has been added to the registration information, so please read that carefully before filling out the registration form.
- Condensed schedule. Please note that the district conference schedule has been slightly condensed this year. The Pre-conference Workshop, usually held Friday morning, will be Friday afternoon, followed by a one-hour opening business session from 4-5pm.
Here are District Conference highlights that you don’t want to miss!
- Pre-Conference Workshop! Join the denominational Deacon Ministry director Donna Kline for a workshop on Friday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:45pm. This will be a wonderful training for deacons, pastors, and other lay persons in your congregation!
- Connect with and support Brethren and ecumenical organizations throughout the weekend by visiting their displays! The Cedars’ annual ice cream social will take place Friday night, and new to the schedule is a Saturday afternoon reception hosted Prairie View. Plan to attend!
- Attend special meals including the Women’s Breakfast and the new Mission & Service Dinner on Saturday evening.
- Meaningful worship together! The youth will help prepare the Saturday evening worship, and preachers for the weekend will be Moderator Kenneth Davidson, pastor of the Mont Ida and Scott Valley congregations; Jerry Bowen, team pastor at the McPherson congregation; and Nancy Faus-Mullen, who is interim pastor at the Wichita congregation.
- Other opportunities will include youth and children activities, insight sessions, fellowship with one another!
Looking forward to seeing you at District Conference!