Compelling Vision Conversations

Discerning a Compelling Vision
Our denomination is in the process of “discerning a Compelling Vision for our life together as a denomination”. This discernment process began at Annual Conference 2018, will continue throughout the course of this year, and then pick back up again at Annual Conference 2019.
Right now we are in the phase between Annual Conferences where the discernment conversation is moving into the districts. The plan is to have a series of conversations in a variety of places throughout each district so that more people can participate in the conversation. Each conversation will last about 2 hours and will be moderated by a member of the Compelling Vision Process Team.
The tentative dates and locations for these conversations are:
Oct. 20 – First CoB, Wichita, Ks
Oct. 27 – The Gathering in Salina, Ks
Nov. 17 – Prince of Peace CoB, Denver, Co.
Jan. 5 – First Central CoB, Kansas City, Ks
Discernment of this scale is dependent on having your voice as a part of the conversation. We hope that you will be able to attend one of these conversation times to discern together with our district and our denomination.
If you have questions you may contact Alan Stucky, Pastor at the First Church of the Brethren in Wichita and member of the Compelling Vision Process Team at 316-263-0274 or
If you would like to get a sense of the discernment that has happened so far at Annual Conference and National Youth conference, as well as hear questions that others in the district had, you can watch the following video of the insight session that Alan led at Western Plains District Conference this July.