Western Plains District Counselor in Training Application

Western Plains District Counselor in Training Application
Step 1 of 2

Thank you for your interest in serving as a counselor in training (CIT). Please be aware of our current guidelines. In order to serve as a CIT you must be at least 14 years old AND at least 3 years older  than the oldest camper of the session in which you wish to serve.

Prior to completing this CIT registration form, you will need the following:

  1. Permission from the director(s) to serve as a CIT for the camp session(s) you have chosen (Check the camp websites for director name and email address)
  2. Completed health form to upload (or you may send by mail to the director if you prefer no later than 2 weeks prior to start of camp). As you are under the age of 18, you should submit the CAMPER HEALTH FORM.
  3. Health insurance card to upload (front and back – a picture is fine)
  4. Immunization record to upload (a picture is fine)
  5. Driver’s license to upload – or other form of identification (a picture is fine)
  6. Confirm with the district office that you have 3 current reference forms on file (620-241-4240; office@wpcob.org). Reference forms are good for 10 years and cannot be from members of your family. If you do not have current forms on file, you may give this link to your references, which, when completed, will be automatically submitted to the district office.
  7. Parental awareness of your intent to volunteer as a CIT.

Camp Colorado CITs will need to complete the Standard Precautions Training (more info available here) and have your completion certificate available to upload. This training is required each year.