The Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) would like to work with and support medical staff as part of the program at Camp Colorado and Camp Mt. Hermon. We created these guidelines to help you know what is required of your participation at camp. This signed agreement clarifies and records your commitment to this important role in caring for the children of the Church of the Brethren.
The OMT (and the states of Colorado and Kansas) require the following:
Camp Colorado: Physician or RN
Camp Mt. Hermon: EMT, RN, LPN or Physician
This staff person is usually selected by and invited by one of the session Co-directors. The qualifications of the camp medical staff include:
Please provide information about the camp for which you will be serving as medical staff:
1) Fill out the Volunteer Application Form and send it to the Western Plains District Office.
2) Participate in various training programs for Camp Colorado and Camp Mt. Hermon staff and volunteers.
3) Ascertain that medical supplies are stocked for the week, including portable first-aid kits for hikes.
4) Work according to Standard Operating Procedures, on file in the camp office(s), for medical personnel.
5) Keep a log of medication dispensed to whom and when and also of any incident requiring medical assistance and the action taken (both yours and others’).
6) Conduct an interview of each leader prior to camp registration and an interview of each camper on registration day. During this interview, you will: a. help the leader or camper feel comfortable with you, b. verify completion of medical portion of the Health Form by the camper/staff’s personal physician, c. collect and document the medications of each leader and camper, d. store all medications in the the designated lockable cabinet for safe keeping, e. clarify any questions related to health issues of the camper, i.e. allergies, limitations, emergency contact information, etc.
7) Make sure that Co-directors know your whereabouts at all times.
8) Attend large-group camp activities such as campfires. Participate in camp program as Co-directors prefer.
9) Accompany campers to off-site large-group activities such as swimming, fishing, and service projects.
10) Coordinate with Co-directors in case parents must be contacted mid-week because health issues arise.
11) Be the only person to administer the campers’ medications.
12) Administer Standard First Aid when needed and/or direct it to be done by Co-directors and Counselors.
13) In the event of a medical emergency, ill or injured campers and staff will be transferred to the closest medical facility. The Camp Manager or a Co-Director will go with that person. The medical staff person must stay with the larger group at camp.
14) Ask all Counselors, Counselors-in-Training and Staff to keep their medications in the locked medicine storage cabinet.
15) Only the medical staff and manager will have keys to the medicine cabinet.
16) Count medications and return them to campers or parents at departure time.
17) Restock supplies at the end of your week.
18) At the end of camp, duplicate all documents and records and file one copy with camp records and keep one copy for verification if the need arises.
By typing my full name below, I am agreeing to serve as Medical Staff for the camp session and dates I have identified above. I also understand that I am responsible for, but not limited to, the above guidelines.