Western Plains District Camp Director Guidelines & Agreement 2024

Western Plains District Camp Director Guidelines & Agreement 2024

The Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) would like to work with and support directors as you plan for your week of Camp. We created these guidelines to help facilitate your planning. This signed agreement clarifies and records your commitment to this important role in nurturing the children of the Church of the Brethren.

Please provide information about the camp for which you will be directing:

Director Guidelines

1) Staffing: Staff (nurse and cooks) and Leaders (counselors, CITs, spiritual advisor, and any resource leaders) should be confirmed by March 31. Let the OMT know if you need any help with recruiting them.

A. Secure a Nurse

i. Confirm with Camp Manager that your nurse meets the rules and regulations governing who can serve as Nurse for the camp in this state.

ii. Ask your nurse to complete the online Camp Nurse Agreement (available on the WP District website and camp websites).

iii. Send your nurse a copy of your camp week’s schedule.

B. Secure a Head Cook

i. Assist the head cook in securing at least 2 assistant cooks.

ii. Provide the head cook with any special meal requests, including vegetarian or vegan diets and cookout menus, etc. Also send the cook a copy of your camp week’s schedule.

iii. Work with your head cook to ensure that their menus and grocery list are delivered to the Camp Manager at least 7 days before your camp session.

iv. Make sure your head cook understands state regulations for running camp food service. Contact the Camp Manager.   

    C. Counselors

i. Secure an appropriate number of male and female counselors (who are at least 18 years old) that exceeds the State or County staffing ratios, based on the previous year’s camper attendance.

ii. Contact the Camp Manager for information on required ratio for your camper age group.

iii. Ideally, camp counselors will also serve as resource persons to lead recreation, Bible study, nature study, and crafts. Recruiting counselors with skills in these areas means the camp does not have to pay mileage and provide food for extra resource leaders.

D. Counselors-in-Training (aka: CITs)

i. Secure counselors-in-training who are at least 14 years old AND at least 3 years older than your oldest camper. Limit to no more than four, please. (finished 8th grade for pre-junior and junior and age 16 for junior high).

ii. Assign your CITs to specific counselors who will be good mentors for the CITs.

iii. Make sure you have specific tasks for your CITs to do that support the camp program.

E. Spiritual Advisor

i. Spiritual Directors (SD) for CAWM (Come Along With Me) through Jr High age groups should have specific leadership skills in one or more areas including but not limited to: Sunday School leadership, church youth leader, VBS leader, previous church camping leadership, or other related experiences. The SD should have previous experience with the age group with which they plan to work.

ii. The Spiritual Director for the Sr. High Camp would optimally be someone who is pursuing an education in Christian ministry/leadership, or be licensed or ordained as a minister in the Church of the Brethren.

iii. A qualified camp director or any qualified staff member can also serve as the spiritual director, and should be identified in that way.

iv. Discuss with your Spiritual Advisor how you would like him or her to encourage the spiritual growth of your campers.

2) Paperwork: Ensure that paperwork for ALL staff/leaders is completed and sent to you by March 31. Give these to the Camp Manager to keep on file. Paperwork will include, but is not limited to:

A. Volunteer Camp Staff Application

B. Health Statements

C. Background Check Release Form

D. Copy of Health Insurance Card (front and back)

E. Copy of drivers license (front and back)

3) Curriculum:

A. OMT recommends a curriculum to each camp. OMT distributes it to directors as soon as it is available.

B. OMT requests that directors utilize the resources in the curriculum.

C. Directors may send receipts for curriculum supplies they purchase to the Camp Manager, along with a request for mileage cost reimbursement. A form for this is available from the Camp Manager.

4) Schedule:

A. You will determine the schedule for your week at camp. You may use the scheduling suggestions offered in the curriculum and/or devise your own.

B. Be sure to discuss any special activities with the Camp Manager, who can help you with supplies/equipment and info about camp facilities.

C. Remember to include time in your schedule for daily staff meetings.

5) Staff/Leader Orientation:

A. Directors shall hold a staff/leader orientation prior to your camp’s registration and opening; during this time all rules and regulations (State, County, and Western Plains District) will be reviewed. This orientation should begin on the Saturday before your camp starts on Sunday.

B. Have all your staff view the video on child safety and sign the confirmation form provided by the Camp Manager.

C. Confirm that all required paperwork from your staff has been completed and turn it in to the Camp Manager by the date your camp starts.

6) Updating the Camp Manager: Contact the camp manager at least 30 days prior to your camp to update them on:

A. Estimated arrival time of director and staff/leaders

B. Plan for staff training and orientation

C. Schedule and meal plans

D. Plans for any special projects or activities you would like to incorporate into your camp. (service project at the camp, etc.)

7) Registration and Departure:

A. The director will receive camper registrations and must work with the Camp Manager and the Nurse to process them.

B. The director will conduct registration time at camp, welcoming campers and their parents, and answering any parental questions that may arise.

C. The director will ensure that campers depart with their designated pick-up persons.

8) Evaluation:

A. Photocopy and provide OMT’s camp evaluation form to campers, and provide staff/leaders the link to the online staff evaluation prior to the closing of your camp week. Remember to fill one out yourself.

B. Collect the completed forms before campers leave and give them to the Camp Manager. We recommend you read them first for your own enlightenment! Online staff evaluations will be submitted directly to the Western Plains District Office.

C. It is recommended that you conduct a final staff meeting with your leaders/staff following the departure of campers for the purpose of shared evaluation and a sense of closure to the week.

9) Director’s Report:

A. Prepare and submit a written report to the OMT Chair within 30 days of the completion of your camp session.

B. Your report should include:

i. Camper and Staff/Leader names and contact information

ii. A copy of your camp schedule

iii. Your opinion of how the camp went (attach your evaluation form).

iv. A description of problems you and your staff experienced and how you handled them.

v. Suggestions for next year’s camp session.

vi. Whether you will be available for directing camp next year.


By typing my full name below, I am agreeing to serve as a Director for the camp session and dates I have identified above. I also understand that I am responsible for, but not limited to, the above guidelines.