Sr. High Youth/Leader Event

This event has been postponed!
Wondering about today’s relevance of Jesus?
How do Jesus’ teaching really fit into your everyday life in the midst of all that is happening in our world?
And where do the Brethren fit into all of this?
Western Plains District Sr. High Youth Coordinators, Shawn Flory Replogle and Jen Jensen, are excited to announce a youth and young adult event focused on these ponderings and much more that will take place in Kansas City on April 12-14, 2019 with First Central Church of the Brethren hosting.
Hands-on and interactive events throughout the weekend will engage youth and young adults in leadership development, contemplating the relevance of Jesus and the Brethren in today’s world, and discovering how to be active no matter what setting you find yourself. The weekend will also include service projects, a trip into Kansas City, and much more!!
A special invitation is extended to youth leaders as specific youth leaders workshops will be offered to assist in continuing their work of helping teens love Jesus, and assisting the development of their youth into the best version of themselves that God created them to be, as well as time to brainstorm and fellowship with one another.
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend!!! Registration information and more EXCITING details including workshop leaders and musical guests will be announced after the new year!!
Watch the district website for updates –