Return trip to Colorado planned for Brethren Disaster Ministries

Published on Sep 10th, 2015 by wpd-office | 0
Return trip to Colorado planned for Brethren Disaster Ministries

Western Plains had a successful trip to the Brethren Disaster Ministries  worksite in Colorado earlier this summer, and a return trip is planned the week of November 29.

BDM opened a long-term recovery project there in May 2015. Sixteen volunteers from the McPherson, Monitor, Hutchinson, Wichita, and Bethel (Colo.) churches as well as additional volunteers from Nebraska and Colorado served June 28-July 3.

Anyone interested in going on the Nov. 29 trip should contact Bud and Susan Taylor.  Please contact by email at

Major flooding occurred when up to 20 inches of rain fell in northern Colorado in September of 2013. Five rivers became raging torrents that destroyed 1,882 homes and left 5,566 others with major damage in Weld, Larimer, and Boulder Counties.

At first volunteers were lodged in Greeley but the site has moved to the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on  N. Lincoln Ave in Loveland, CO.

The type of work in Colorado includes major repairs from flood damage such as floors, insulation, drywall, porches, etc. Some complete rebuilds are possible, as well as repairs to mobile homes. BDM receives its cases from our local long-term recovery partners. Tools and project leadership are provided.

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