Resources for congregational vitality

Published on Nov 22nd, 2014 by wpd-office | 0

The Western Plains District Transformation Training Team is continuing its work of providing guidance and resources for congregational renewal to the congregations of our district. This past year, a large number of our congregations participated in KonXion (“Connection”). There was mutual encouragement for these congregations in taking the opportunity to celebrate their stories and their life together with friends from a sister congregation. Good things are happening, and we learned through our mutual sharing that there is great reason for hope as God is visibly present and at work in rich and vital ways in the life of our congregations. At this year’s Gathering in Salina, we were able to hear from some of those who participated in KonXion. It is no overstatement to say that the congregations who participated in the KonXion process were deeply enriched and blessed.

In light of this, the Transformation Training Team believes that transformation and renewal, hope and vibrant Spirit-filled life can be a reality for our congregations. There are two resource tracks we are lifting-up for congregational renewal. Both of these are less a program and more a process into the journey of transformation.

The first resource is Vital Ministry Journey. Vital Ministry Journey begins with small group Bible study, prayer and sharing that desires to invite and involve a spectrum of persons from your congregation. The studies are designed to help create an atmosphere of intimacy and authenticity for the participants. Sandee Kitzel is our district’s liaison to Jonathan Shively and Stan Dueck and Vital Ministry Journey. If you want to learn more, an opportunity is provided in a webinar with Stan Dueck, on Tuesday Dec. 9 at 7:00 central time or Saturday, Dec. 13 at 10:00 a.m. More webinar information will be forthcoming. You can contact Sandee at, and/or phone 719-760-9077.

The second resource is Springs of Living Water. “Springs” is a process that pursues congregational renewal through the practice of the classic spiritual disciplines. Pastors of the congregation can receive training from “Springs” founder David Young, a former Church of the Brethren pastor and Professor in the area of Congregational renewal. The training occurs by the way of conference call and the cost is $185.00 for five sessions over a two-month period. ($195.00 if CEU’s are desired.) Keith Funk is our liaison to David Young and Springs of Living Water. For further information you can contact Keith at, and/or phone 785-754-3630.

One congregation asked whether a DVD of the general session led by Jonathan Shively at Gathering, “Rhythms of a Vital Congregation,” might be available for congregational use. The answer is yes! Kendra has several copies in the District office and can make one available to you upon request.

Both featured resources offer great opportunity for our congregations to enter a process and to journey into renewal and transformation. Don’t hesitate to contact Sandee or Keith to inquire about Vital Ministry Journey and Springs of Living Water as you discern how God is calling you and your congregation into a continuing journey of transformation.

In Christ,

Sandee Kitzel, Liaison to Vital Ministry Journey
Keith Funk, Liaison to Springs of Living Water
Dale Minnich, for the District’s Transformation Training Team

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