Projects Unlimited Auction

It is time to begin preparing for the annual Projects Unlimited Auction! We hope that you will consider contributing to this year’s auction. All hand-crafted, home grown, homemade items are welcome!
Most of us enjoy taking time to pursue our hobbies and we find satisfaction in creating special things to use or to give to others. Money from your donated items will help support the District organization of your choice. This is a wonderful ministry of giving. We appreciate the crafters, growers, bakers, the bidders and the buyers!
The Auction
Saturday, July 26, 2014
8:45 p.m. (after evening worship)
McPherson Church of the Brethren (lower level)
We will be prepared to receive your items Friday afternoon and evening. A silent auction of smaller items will be in effect all day Saturday. The silent auction closes at 7:00 p.m. Saturday evening.
We are happy to report that the 2014 District Quilt is being pieced and quilted by Jana Goering and Mary Holloway again this year.
The 2013 auction netted $4,097.50
Projects supported in 2013 included: Camp Colorado, Camp Mt. Hermon, Lybrook, Cedars Guild, Heifer Project and the McPherson COB Haiti Medical Project. Other projects have been supported in the past.
This auction is possible because of your willingness to participate as donors and buyers! Please let us know if you have questions or need help with bringing your items to the auction.
The Congregational Resourcing Vision Team