On Earth Peace seeks new Agape-Satyagraha training partners

Published on Sep 11th, 2015 by wpd-office | 0
On Earth Peace partners with local churches, schools and organizations to offer Agape-Satyagraha Training, a leadership training program for junior and senior high youth teaching skills for conflict transformation and social change based on the nonviolent teachings of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. Encouraging, equipping, and accompanying youth as they put skills into practice as leaders in their communities, Agape-Satyagraha trains youth through five skill levels to resolve conflicts without violence.  Adult volunteers act as mentors for both individuals and small groups, using individualized techniques, allowing youth to pace themselves through each level.

On Earth Peace is seeking new partners to offer Agape-Satyagraha Training.  Our current partners include high schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, and church-based non-profits.  If you know of a site that might benefit from Agape-Satyagraha Training and would like more information, please be in touch with Marie Benner-Rhoades at mrhoades(at)onearthpeace.org.
In addition, an informational webinar about how to start an Agape-Satyagraha Training site will take place on Monday, October 19 at 8:00pmET.  For login information, please contact Marie at mrhoades(at)onearthpeace.org.
(From September 2015 issues of “The Peacebuilder”)

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