Moderator’s Moment: 2015 District Conference Theme
It was just a few short months ago that I was in the supporting role as Moderator-Elect; a position I thought would never come my way. It was a surprise to some (including me) and an expectation to others. I would, however, accept a prayerful calling as one who would listen to what the Spirit has directed to others and would respond with humble service.
Thus far, I have accepted two invitations to visit congregations that I am not currently serving and am looking forward to visiting with those members whom I have made relationships with through a variety of district and national events. I hope to visit more churches as time goes on and really get a feel for the passion and love that so many of you have to offer. I have mourned for a church that has meant the world to my wife and me as the building succumbed to the laws of nature. I have also celebrated the additions of members through baptism, marriage, and transfers in other churches.
One particular church, small in numbers but big in the spirit, hosted two district events including the Ministers Ethics Training and the Transformation Vision and Fulfillment Team Retreat, which took place in early September. A great big thanks goes to the Newton Church of the Brethren, which not only offered to host, but provided meals, snacks, and a great deal of hospitality. It is a pleasure to see many churches and people willing to provide what is necessary to take care of one another, not only feeding by material sustenance, but also the feeding of the soul.
I do want to share with you the theme for the 2015 Western Plains District Conference. It is found in Proverbs 27, verse 23a: “Know Well, The Condition of Your Flocks.” I shared this with the team members at the retreat and, while the context of the scripture deals with the responsibility of the shepherd to make a living for his family by virtue of thoroughly caring for his flock, the parallel is also for those in leadership roles to thoroughly care for those they are entrusted to in order for the church family to survive. Since District Conference focuses on representatives and leaders of the church when dealing with church care, it seemed fitting to use this theme. I look forward to seeing or hearing how the theme is used in churches throughout this year, as well as how it is implemented at conference.
John Hoffman, 2015 District Moderator
Monitor, Newton, and Buckeye congregations