MINUTES: Communications Transformation Fulfillment Team, 3 March 2014
Published on Mar 3rd, 2014
March 3, 2014
Present by Google Hangout: Bruce Clary (Chair), Kendra Flory (Staff Rep), Eric Goering, Ryan Goering, Peter Samland.
Newsletter Transition
- Bruce reported on the Transformation Vision Team Meeting earlier this weekend. There was a little hesitation expressed at the meeting regarding the decision to discontinue mailing hard copies of the newsletter, but TVT stood by its approval of the proposal. Perhaps this might mirror the response we get regarding the change. However, if churches put info in their bulletins, we should hopefully have a good response.
- We reiterated that we are receiving emails through an opt-in system. We only add emails to the newsletter emailing list at an individual’s request to the district office. Mail Chimp has a subscription plug-in that we can look at for the website.
- As far as the e-newsletter format—it will likely be one that lists the article titles and a few sentences and a link to the website, where readers can find the article in its entirety. Everything would be on the website.
Congregation Survey Update
- Bruce will send another email to try to get more responses to the survey.
- Hutch Community is in the process of reviewing equipment (projector, screen, wireless, etc.). They would be interested in talking with someone about what they might want to shop for. Perhaps Eric or Ryan could connect with June Switzer about this. It was discussed that we are not offering setting up a system, but rather offering some consultation and helping to give direction.
- For those congregations interested in website help: Again, we are not offering tech support. This is not our role. Rather, we can get a sense of what the congregation is wanting and help point them in the right direction. Perhaps we could offer congregations space on the District website for a static webpage for a congregation’s basic information.
Website Training
- Peter will work on online training videos for: login, creating and editing a post, categorization of a post, and editing a page.
- He will also set up a YouTube channel for District videos.
- Kendra and Bruce need to get together regarding District Conference online registration.
- Kendra asked a question about putting pictures/videos online. Bruce said that pictures/videos taken on public property is fair game. You need to be more careful about private property.
Next meeting is set for Sunday, March 30, 9pm Central, by Google Hangout.
Respectfully submitted,
Kendra Flory