Family Camp @ Colorado
Family Camp at Camp Colorado will be held August 24-26. Please register by August 15. We need the number attending to provide adequate food and supplies. Please send registration forms, in care of camp manager Rosi & Darrel Jones, to The Camp Colorado website provides information about the camp that may be helpful.
Bethel Church of the Brethren in Colorado at Arriba and Peace Community in Windsor, Colorado are sponsoring this event. If you have questions, feel free to call Mary Ann Saffer 719-768-3426 or Sandee Kitzel at 719-760-9077.
The weekend will be very relaxed, providing time for families to explore the camp together, enjoy recreation, and the peace and quiet of the beautiful mountains. The camp always has projects to work on to improve the camp. Camp Colorado is a great place for fellowship. No fees will be charged. Meals and snacks will be provided. Families need to provide their own bedding, towels and toiletries.
For those unable to come on Friday or Saturday, you are invited to join the group on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for worship on the hillside in the aspen grove. A noon potluck meal will follow worship. A free will offering will be appreciated to cover expenses.