District Conference Wrap-Up Report

The 2014 Western Plains District Conference was held July 25-27. Enjoy this brief report of conference highlights:
1. By the Numbers
2. Conference Theme
3. District Leadership Affirmed
4. Milestones in Ministry
1. By the Numbers
187 attendees
56 delegates
28 congregations represented,
including the Tok’ahookaadi Church of the Brethren and Lybrook Community Ministries! It was a blessing to have at conference our brothers and sisters from New Mexico. Kim and Jim Therrien presented a Lybrook insight session, where several Lybrook community members shared their stories.
13 conference attendees helped with a service project for the local United Way
6158 dollars given in worship offerings
7330 dollars raised through Projects Unlimited Auction (2014 Projects Unlimited Report)
3 days of Reconnecting, Worshiping, Learning, and Celebrating our Life Together as the Church of the Brethren in Western Plains!
2. Conference Theme
The conference theme, “Pursuing Peace”, permeated the weekend through art, drama, worship, personal stories, service projects, and our fellowship together. The theme inspired 13 works of arts, which canvas’ spelled out the theme. These paintings, as well as the conference logo, were created by Connie Rhodes, member of the Newton, Kan. congregation. The theme was highlighted in business sessions through several video interviews of district elders Paul Hoffman and Ellis Yoder, who shared their personal life stories and perspectives on conscientious objection and military service. Development of the theme continued through inspiring worship services, which included a presentation of the drama “Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark,” a play by Ariel Dorfman; a worship lead by District Youth, who shared their experiences and insights from National Youth Conference; and a message given by On Earth Peace Executive Director Bill Scheurer on “Greater Things Than These”.
3. District Leadership Affirmed
The conference affirmed new District leadership, which included:
Moderator-Elect: Joanna Smith (Commissioning of Joanna and Moderator John Hoffman)
Transformation Vision Team: Dana Hart, George Hinton, Wylene Lengel
Vision Fulfillment Teams: Janice Crist, Leslie Frye, Sandee Kitzel, Gloria Price
District Conference Planning Team: Grant Tuttle, Marshall Tuttle
Standing Committee: Barbra Davis
Standing Committee Alternate: Dale Minnich
The Cedars Board: Janell Clary
Click here for complete roster of the Transformation Vision Team and Vision Fulfillment Teams
Thank you to Moderator Terri Torres of the Hutchinson (Kan.) Community Church of the Brethren for her leadership of the 2014 District Conference!
4. Milestones in Ministry
At District Conference we recognize the five-year milestones of our ordained ministers. This year we honor these ministers of Western Plains District for their years of ordained ministry in the church.
5 Years: Mike Schneider, Jon Tuttle
10 Years: Barbra Davis
15 Years: Sonja Griffith, Tom Smith
20 Years: Stephen Klinedinst
25 Years: Edwina Pote (In memoriam, deceased June 26, 2014)
35 Years: Francis Hendricks, Jean Hendricks
45 Years: John Carlson
55 Years: Lyall Sherred
70 Years: Dean Farringer, Charles Whitacre
We also celebrated persons ordained to ministry since 2013 District Conference:
Darrell Barr
Anita Christian
Dylan Dell-Haro
Mary Beth Tuttle
And celebrated ordained ministers in memoriam:
Eugene Lichty (deceased May 20, 2013)
Duane Ramsey (deceased September 26, 2013)
B. Wayne Crist (deceased February 18, 2014)
Claron Brown (deceased February 22, 2014)
Edwina Pote (deceased June 26, 2014)