CRT Meeting Minutes – 2/14/16
The team met Feb 14 at 4 pm via teleconference.
Members present: Wylene Lengel, Gloria Price
Members absent: Terri Torres, Cathy Patrick, Dale Minnich, Barb Flory
Wylene opened the meeting with a short devotion and prayer.
Dale had sent his update on the men’s retreat. It is planned for April 8-9 at the Heartland Center for Spirituality in Great Bend, KS. It is a book study using Falling Upward; a spirituality for the two halves of life by Richard Rohr. Ken Holderread and Allan van Asselt will be leading it.
We had received a request from Alan Stucky regarding use of the Mennonite resource library. The Mennonite resource library was discussed and it was agreed that a library like this may not be what people are seeking and using since internet shopping may be more readily available. The subscription price seems high and most churches are more than 30 miles from this resource. Gloria will call Beverly Minnich to obtain more information and put an article out to Western Plains District and see if there is any interest in this resource.
An update regarding the women’s retreat was received a couple days after this meeting. Barb has plans underway and Tara Hornbaker, the retreat program leader will lead us through her Christian cooking show episodes. Tara will also provide a sermonette on Sunday. Barb has ask a few members of the McPherson Church of the Brethren to assist in various aspects of the weekend. April 8 – 10 at the Cross Wind Conference Center in Hesston, KS. As of then only 10 reservations had been made. 60 are needed for the retreat.
Carolyn Schrock has agreed to speak at the women’s breakfast at the Annual District Conference in July. Judy will be the contact for her.
Wylene will put out an article for applications for the District Children’s Coordinator. This is our biggest need at the moment. The District Planning Committee is requesting to know who this person is. Wylene will also bring this need up to the TVT.
Next meeting March 13 at 4 pm.