Covid-19 District Response
Due to an unprecedented pandemic with covid-19, our district leadership, in conjunction with other district and ecumenical entities, and along with current CDC recommendations, have made the difficult decision to either cancel or go online for all district events for the remainder of 2020.
At this time, all summer camps have been cancelled and will not be rescheduled to a later date.
Our District Conference Planning Team is working on bringing us a new & exciting ONLINE conference, as opposed to our usual face-to-face conference in July.
Please click here for more details!
The Gathering Planning Team has come to the very difficult decision to
“sun-set” the annual Gathering and have cancelled this years event.
Please read this notice from Training/Gathering Team Chair, Darrell Barr –
Announcement of Gathering Conclusion
Letter from Moderator to Leadership Team about District Conference –
Response from Leadership Team Chair, Ken Frantz:
I commend the Leadership Team for making the hard but necessary choices to protect our members, friends, and neighbors with whom we share common concerns. Please be in prayer for the District Conference planning committee and others as we determine future possibilities, including some form of virtual conferencing.
In addition, you should also have received notice from Outdoor Ministry co-chairs Marla Ullom-Minnich and John Hoffman that the Leadership Team has also recommended canceling the scheduled Church of the Brethren camps at Camp Mt. Hermon and Camp Colorado for the 2020 season. Details will be shared as we ascertain what concerns are implicated in regard to maintenance and caretaking.
There is no better moment than now to live the motto of early American colonial printer Christopher Sauer.
Ken Frantz, chair
District Leadership Team
2 Attachments