Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 9/6/14

Published on Sep 21st, 2014 by wpd-office | 0
Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 9/6/14


Minutes of Sept 6 meeting in person at the Newton COB

In attendance: Cathy Patrick, Judy Wrightsman, Joanna Smith, Elsie Holderread (visiting as part of the review team), Barbra Davis, Wylene Lengel, Beverly Minnich, Gloria Price

The team reviewed the Questions submitted by the review team. In summary, there is still confusion about the terminology of the new structure, i.e. Transformation Vision Team and Vision Fulfilment Teams. We were reminded that we used to be the witness/nurture team. The gifts discernment team could work for us better if they had a list of the gifts needed in our team. There still seems to be more communication needed.

We reviewed the various responsibilities of our team and identified a lead for each area.

Women’s Retreat – Beverly Minnich
Scheduled for April 10-12. The Colorado church is in charge, Gail Erisman Valeta. Rev Jane Vennard is the speaker. Topic is Spirituality.

Men’s Retreat – Dale Minnich
The Hutchinson church is in charge.

Christian education – Gloria Price
This is a new area. We will work on what this covers, but we are looking at workshops for Sunday school teachers and options for curriculums.

Mission and Service Advocates – Beverly and Dale Minnich

Haiti Medical Project

Disaster – Bud and Susan Taylor
We need communication. We need to know what are their needs. Are they using their budget for replacement of tools etc.?

Get list of former BVSers. Barbra Davis said she would do this.
Get list of COs. Joanna Smith said she would do this.
Send Christmas cards to BVSers.

Continue praying

Project Unlimited Auction – Wylene and Cathy
Letter to churches in August

Peace advocacy – Joanna Smith

Children, Jr High & Youth -Wylene Lengel
Shawn Flory-Replogle -Sr High, stipend, contract
Nicole Sampson – Jr High, stipend, contract
Laura Snyder, children, The Gathering

Women’s Breakfast at Western Plains District Conference – Judy and Gloria
Need ideas for speaker.

Action items.
We suggest that a script be put together and a TVT member visit each COB in the Western Plains District and bring awareness to the terminology.
We will put a list of our teams gifts together and submit to the Gifts Discernment team
Get list of former BVSers. Barbra Davis said she would do this.
Get list of COs. Joanna Smith said she would do this.

Closed with prayer.

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