Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 3/26/15
Minutes for March 26, 2015, 6:30 pm
In attendance: Beverly and Dale Minnich, Judy Wrightsman, Joanna Smith and Wylene Lengel; Absent: Cathy Patrick, Gloria Price
A short devotion and prayer was led by Wylene.
The team selected Ephesians 4:12 “Why is it that he gives us these special abilities to do certain things best? It is that God’s people will be equipped to do better work for him, building up the church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity;” as our team bible passage to support the district bible passage/theme “Know Well, The Condition of Your Flocks” taken from Proverbs 27:23.
The team will have drafts of their job descriptions for the Gifts Discernment Team by the May meeting.
Laura Snyder has signed her contract to be the children’s coordinator for District Conference and The Gathering; and, Sonja Griffith and Ann Stover have also signed the contract. A copy of the contract has been forwarded to Laura and Kendra. Shawn Replogle and the Sampson’s are set for District Conference. Wylene will contact Shawn Replogle and Sampson’s to see if they will fulfill their current roles for The Gathering.
We need a list of slots that parents of children can supplement child care for District Conference. Beverly will work with Laura to get the list. We can have the list set up with registration at District Conference.
Joanna Smith reported that the Peace Retreat will be rescheduled as there are scheduling conflicts for the summer of 2016. She will submit an article for district news.
Regional Youth Conference was a success. Wylene received a report from Jen Jensen saying that 70 youth, advisors, and leaders from 3 districts were represented. Wylene also received a report form Kaitlyn van Asselt reflecting on the conference as a great experience.
The Jr High Youth Rally was held March 20-22, Hutchinson. Wylene will check with the Sampson’s and get a brief report.
Women’s Breakfast at District Conference is set to have Kim Therrian speak. Judy Wrightsman reported that Kim would like all age groups of women to attend. Judy has inquired if there are other things that need to be done and it seems the District committee doesn’t need anymore help on this but will reach out to Judy if needed.
Worship resources/Christian education: No update.
Dale Minnich reported that Western Plains District Men’s Retreat will be held April 17-18 at the Heartland Center for Spirituality in Great Bend, Kan. The theme will be “Calling Disciples,” based on Luke 11:9, which will be led by Steve Crain, associate professor of philosophy and religion at McPherson College. The retreat is being planned and hosted by the Hutchinson Community Church of the Brethren.
Mission and Service dinner at District Conference: Dale Minnich reported that preparation s are being made and that it is getting publicized.
Beverly Minnich reported on the Women’s retreat. Wylene received the check for speaker for $1200 from Jana Goering. Denver church in charge. 77 spaces are being held and paid for at the Highland Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center. 18 scholarships given, paying half costs for those. Beverly is coordinating rides. Beverly reported that another check for 75% of the bill would be needed also. She will request that from Jana.
Western Plains District Women’s Retreat will be held April 10-12 at the Presbyterian Highlands Camp in Allenspark, Colo. The theme will be “Fully Awake and Truly Alive: How to Incorporate Spiritual Practices into our Busy Lives,” which will be led by the Rev. Jane Vennard, John Wesley Iliff Senior Adjunct Instructor in spirituality at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colo.
Hesston April 8-10, 2016 Deposit paid. Jana sent check 3/16/15. Will ask for a church to head this up at this year’s women’s retreat.
2017 retreat will likely be held in Hesston and we are leaning for a 4/21 to 4/23 date.
Disaster Response: Taylor’s are heading up a project in Colorado for flooding.
Projects Unlimited Auction: Will meet with the auctioneer a month prior to the auction. Jana Goering is assembling the quilt.