Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 2/19/15

Published on Mar 4th, 2015 by wpd-office | 0
Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 2/19/15

Minutes from the February, 19, Thursday 7 pm conference call

Gloria Price, Judy Wrightsman, Wylene Lengel, Beverly Minnich, Dale Minnich were in attendance. Cathy Patrick and Joanna Smith were absent.

Beverly shared a devotion and opened the meeting with prayer.

Wylene told the group to begin working on your job descriptions/gifts for the Discernment team.

Wylene reported that she contacted Sarah Hendricks and told her that District Conference was depending on McPherson’s normal Sunday School classes to plug in to. Sarah was Ok with that.

We had a discussion about the children’s coordinator position and what type of stipend would be required for Laura Snyder to fill the position at District Conference and if this set a precedence. We agreed to cover registration and housing for Laura’s family and Thelma. This would be $70 + $60 for Laura and $35 + $36 for Thelma. We felt this was a one time stipend and ongoing needs would be evaluated at a further time.

Judy Wrightsman reported on the Women’s Breakfast at District Conference. Kim Therrian has agreed to speak. Judy is following up to ensure all other details that we need to take care of are covered.

Gloria Price reported on Worship Resources/Christian Education. She is considering a booth/table at District Conference to gather information and have discussions about curriculums and looking at ways to share curriculums between churches.

Beverly Minnich reported on the Women’s retreat – April 10-12, 2015 – Colorado. Gail Erisman-Valeta’s church is in charge. So far there are 39 registrations. We had a discussion about scholarships and the group decided to award all who sought a scholarship a 50% aid. Nine have been granted and Beverly has another 9 to grant. Beverly reported that in searching out a site for 2016, Hesston still seems like the best place financially and geographically to hold the women’s retreat for 2016. A date for 2016 is April 8-10, 2016. Wylene will contact Hesston and pay the down payment. Need to select a date for 2017.

Dale Minnich reported on the Men’s retreat which is scheduled for April 17-18. The Hutchinson church is in charge. The retreat will be held in Great Bend. Steve Crain will be their discussion leader. Dale encourages attendance.

Dale Minnich reported on the Mission and Service dinner that is being planned for District Conference. Also that there is a strong likelihood of a service project in Colorado in the near future.

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