Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 1/15/15

Published on Jan 20th, 2015 by wpd-office | 0
Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 1/15/15

Minutes from the January 15, Thursday 7 pm conference call

Cathy Patrick, Judy Wrightsman, Wylene Lengel, Joanna Smith, Beverly Minnich, Dale Minnich were in attendance. Gloria Price was absent.

Wylene had a short devotion and opened the meeting with prayer.

Our job descriptions/gifts for the Discernment team will be an item we put on hold until next summer. But be thinking about drafting these.

The District planning committee wants to plug into the McPherson Church of the Brethren children’s Sunday school classes. Wylene will contact Sarah Hendricks and report back.

Youth leadership: Position agreements are all signed. Copies were sent to Kendra. (These are for the children’s, junior high and youth coordinators). Replogle and Sampson’s for one year. Laura Snyder only did it for The Gathering. So we need someone for District Conference realizing that planning and organizing are the key tasks. Laura is a maybe. Beverly Minnich will contact her to see if she is interested in doing it for District Conference. As a back up plan, Wylene will contact Sarah Hendricks and see if she or a small group from the McPherson Church of the Brethren Faith Formation team would be interested.

Communication emphasis: Two articles were submitted to the website, an article on the Women’s Retreat, (giving it as a Christmas gift) and one for Projects Unlimited (to encourage people to make things for the auction). As a reminder, the newsletter will be emailed on the fourth Monday of each month. The submission deadline is the third Monday of each month. We need publicity on the women’s and men’s retreats next.

Joanna Smith has been making progress on the Peace Retreat. She has been in contact with Jerrod McKenna from Australia. He is keen on coming for the August 2016 retreat. Joanna is working to secure a site, most probably at Camp Colorado. She has gotten some volunteers to assist her: Gary Flory, Jen Jensen, Shawn Replogle, and Chelsea Goss. She is estimating that the budget needs will be about $3500. She will contact Les Shenefelt about budget needs.

Judy Wrightsman reported on the Women’s Breakfast at District Conference. A speaker has not been secured yet. One suggestion was Kim Thierien to talk about Lybrook. If anyone has ideas for a speaker or for those who would give testimonies, please contact Judy.

Gloria Price was not available for any updates on Worship resources/Christian Education.

Beverly Minnich reported on the Women’s retreat – April 10-12, 2015 – Colorado. Gail Erisman-Valeta’s church is in charge. Beverly will send emails out as reminders to submit registrations before the deadline of Feb 20 and to encourage those with vans to use them and fill them up. There is some concern about meeting the budget for this retreat due to lower than expected numbers and the speaker stipend. Beverly will continue to reach out to Gail for further information. Beverly will research spaces for the 2016 and 2017 retreats. She will contact Webster Conference Center in Salina, Great Bend and Hesston – The Crosswind Conference centers. A date for 2016 is April 8-10, 2016 . Need to select a date for 2017.

Dale Minnich reported on the Men’s retreat which is scheduled for April 17-18. The Hutchinson church is in charge. The retreat will be held in Great Bend. Steve Crain will be their discussion leader. Dale will prepare publicity.

Dale Minnich reported that they will be going to Haiti. He also reported on the Mission and Service dinner that is being planned for District Conference.

Bud & Susan Taylor provided this update via email which Wylene shared with the team. “BDM is still working in New Jersey, and they can use workers to fill slots when other districts cannot send the full allotment of volunteers. Persons interested can contact us or Jane Yount at BDM. A site closer to our district is being explored but we haven’t heard anything definite yet. The Switzer’s will be home from Puerto Rico next week and we hope to hear how about their experience was. I know we had some volunteers from our district join them but I don’t have a complete list.” Cathy Patrick reported that the following people from WPD assisted in Puerto Rico the week they were there: Duane and Tina Grosbach, Martin and Anita Rediger, Pauline Grosbach, Wesley Therrien, Ed, June, Mike and I.

Dale and Wylene reported that the Disaster Policy has been approved for updating. Wylene will acquire a Word version from Kendra and submit for TVT approval.

Dale Minnich reported that Brethren Voluntary Service will be promoted through the newsletter.

Wylene Lengel reported that Troy Wedel has agreed to be the auctioneer at the Projects Unlimited Auction. He wants to meet about a month prior to the auction to discuss logistics. The team assisting are: Wylene Lengel, Cathy Patrick, Kristen Reynolds, Gloria Price, Dorothy Davidson, Hazel Lauver and Jana Goering. Jana Goering is following up on the quilt that will be auctioned.

Joanna Smith announced that she will be stepping down after this year on the team and will need to be replaced.

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