Come to District Conference!
District Conference time is coming up quickly: July 27-29 in McPherson, Kansas. Go to the District Conference page to download the registration forms and schedule, and read on to learn more about the wonderful opportunities at conference this year! Also, if you are a delegate, pastor, or other leadership in the district, you should have received the District Conference packet in the mail. Please note that the dates on the schedule are incorrect. The corrected version is on the District Conference page.
As always, District Conference is a special time of fellowship, worship, learning, and discussion and business about how we want to live together as Christians in the Church of the Brethren. Precious and blessed time together.
We have wonderful preachers and workshops lined up for our time together! Preachers for the weekend will be: Marlo Oltman, District Moderator and team pastor at Community Church of the Brethren in Hutchinson, Kan. (Friday), Phil Adams, pastor at the Independence (Kan.) Church of the Brethren (Saturday), and Christy Dowdy, pastor of Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa. (Sunday). Christy will also be leading the adult Sunday school time Sunday morning.
Don’t miss the pre-conference workshop planned for Friday morning, July 27 from 10:00-11:30, titled “Servant Leadership: The Art of Getting Things Done in Faith Communities”. This workshop will be lead by Lowell Flory and Duane Grady. Lowell is Executive Director of Institutional Advancement at Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, Indiana. Duane is pastor of the Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren near Auburn, Indiana. Both Lowell and Duane have done much work in the area of Servant Leadership. You don’t want to miss it!