
Reflections from the Leadership Team

Looking Back, Looking Forward . . . Ah, yes. Early December. We’re in that annual in-between time. Thanksgiving is behind us, a time when we’ve paused with gratitude for what we have been given, and now we are entering Advent when we look ahead to things new. Transitional times are both challenging and an opportunity … read on

District YouTube Channel

Click here to be taken to the Western Plains District YouTube Channel      

Pastor-Leader Training

SAVE THE DATE: February 10-11, 2023 Please join us for the Western Plains District’s Leadership Training for pastors AND lay church leaders!

Denominational Compelling Vision Statement

At the 2021 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren, a Compelling Vision was adopted. To learn more about this statement and the scriptural references behind it, please click here.             

NEW District YouTube Channel!

Please click to go to the District YouTube channel   You may click on “subscribe” at the bottom right of the screen to ensure you receive other videos as they become available. This does not cost you a thing! Thank you for supporting the Church of the Brethren in Western Plains!        

Covid-19 District Response

Due to an unprecedented pandemic with covid-19, our district leadership, in conjunction with other district and ecumenical entities, and along with current CDC recommendations, have made the difficult decision to either cancel or go online for all district events for the remainder of 2020.

Jr. High Youth Rally

The District Jr. High Youth Rally will be held once again at Community CoB in Hutchinson (1600 N. Severance St. Hutchinson, Kan.), beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12 and going through noon on Sunday, April 14.

NOAC (National Older Adult Conference)

Calling all “Older Adults” to register and come to the beautiful Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center located in the mountains of western North Carolina for a Spirit-filled gathering to learn and discern together – exploring God’s call for your lives and living out that call by sharing your energy, insight, and legacy with your … read on

I Was Just Thinking…

Yes, that time of year is here! The temperatures are now getting toward freezing. As I pass the trees along the highways, their leaves are beginning the turn from green to lovely shades of red, yellow and orange.

Pastor/Leader Training

Be watching for updates to this page for the Pastor/Leader Training to take place in Great Bend, KS in February, 2019!