Camp Mt. Hermon Board Meeting and Work Days
Published on Mar 27th, 2015
| Save-the-date for the May board meeting and Camp Work Weekend.
(Read more of the Board’s March 14 meeting.)
Camp Opening and Board/Trustee Meeting – Saturday, May 2, 2015. The meeting convenes at 10am.
- All who’ve paid or who will pay their annual trustee dues as trustees are strongly encouraged to attend this event.
- Annual dues for 2015 – 2016 become due on this date. Some of us have prepaid for multiple years and are already covered for 2015-2016 and even beyond.
- Some of us will be arriving on Friday, May 1, in order to begin prepping for turning on water, etc.
- Participants are encouraged to bring food to share for the noon meal on Saturday. Any other meals during this event will be on one’s own recourse.
Camp Work Weekend – May 22 – 25, 2015
- Many tasks are involved in camp workdays. There will be plenty to do for all who are willing and able.
- Your Board of Directors and others will be on hand by Friday evening to direct the efforts.
- A Saturday, May 23rd, noon meal will be prepared for participants who indicate their planned presence by Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Please RSVP to Larry Ditmars at .
- All other meals during this weekend, save possibly leftovers for Saturday evening, will be on each participant’s recourse.