District camps workcamp weekends
Published on Apr 21st, 2015
| The Summer Camp Season is almost here! Attend a workcamp weekend to help our District camps get ready!
Camp Colorado: May 22-25
Work Camp Weekend is rapidly approaching for Camp Colorado! We’ll be gathering on Friday, May 22nd and working through Monday, the 25th. We provide the meals and the tools. You provide the big heart for the camp and a willing spirit to do whatever is needed. Come for an afternoon, a day, or the whole weekend. Please let us know if you’re coming so we can have enough food on hand by filling out the information on this link http://tinyurl.com/campcolo-work-camp-2015. Hope to see you there!
Camp Mt. Hermon: May 22-25
- Many tasks are involved in camp workdays. There will be plenty to do for all who are willing and able.
- Your Board of Directors and others will be on hand by Friday evening to direct the efforts.
- A Saturday, May 23rd, noon meal will be prepared for participants who indicate their planned presence by Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Please RSVP by Friday, May 15 to Larry Ditmars at lditmars53@gmail.com .
- All other meals during this weekend, save possibly leftovers for Saturday evening, will be on each participant’s recourse.