Camp Colorado Announces Work Camp/Annual Meeting

Camp Colorado Board Announces Annual Meeting
The Brethren Leadership Foundation (d/b/a Camp Colorado, Inc.) announces its Annual Meeting of the membership to be held on Saturday, May 26th, 2018 at approximately 7:30 p.m. Mountain Time at Camp Colorado. The primary agenda items are the Annual Report, Financial Report, and the Nomination/Election of new Board members. The board currently has five openings and terms are for three years (renewable). Nominated via the Governance, Leadership, and Operations Committee will be Peter Samland, Wes Hoffer, Elizabeth Lucore, and Stephanie Guyer. Nominations may be offered from the floor during the meeting as well.
Questions may be directed to Carine Ullom, Convener, Governance, Leadership, and Operations Committee at or 785-214-1050.
The dates have been set for the 2018 Work Camp Weekend at Camp Colorado. We’ll be gathering in the afternoon of Friday, May 25th and working through Monday, the 28th at noon to open the camp and prepare it for the 2018 camping season. We provide the meals and the tools. You provide the big heart for the camp and a willing spirit to do whatever is needed.
We need cooks, sweepers, trail rakers, flower planters, wood stackers, hammerers, dish washers, dusters, organizers, you name it! Come for an afternoon, a day, or for the whole weekend. There is no cost and all meals are provided. Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, work gloves, close-toed shoes, sun screen, and lots of layers (it’s warm during the day and cold at night). Ear plugs and/or a white noise app on your smartphone are also a good idea. Please let us know if you’re coming (so we can have enough food on hand) by registering here:
Questions can be directed to our camp manager at