BDM in Eureka, MO

Submitted by Susan & Bud Taylor
Despite snow and cold, four Western Plains Brethren came to Eureka, Mo, to help get persons displaced by the December 2015 floods back into homes.
Jean and Francis Hendricks-McPherson, Curtis Rink-Wichita, and Ben Patrick-Monitor, worked the week of January 14, helping with dry wall, painting, cooking, plumbing, and other tasks.
Project leaders for the month were Bud and Susan Taylor-McPherson, and Harry and Phyllis Hochstetler-Colorado City.
A house blessing for a completely remodeled trailer highlighted the week. The resident, a woman displaced for more than two years, was given a quilt made by a Southern Ohio church.
This is the second week a Western Plains group worked in Eureka. Ten from our district served the first week in December. The project there will close before Easter.