A New Look for the District Sr. High Youth Coordinator…Sort of

For the last five years, Shawn Flory Replogle has served as the Western Plains District Youth Coordinator. The seven years prior to that, Jen Jensen served as the District Youth Coordinator, but since then, in her role as Director of Spiritual Life at McPherson College, including planning of Regional Youth Conference, she has remained in close contact with youth ministry-related activities. This past October, Shawn and Jen began a collaboration as co-District Youth Coordinators.
“Anyone who has ever sat through one of my two-minute reports at District Conference knows that I’m interested in leadership development, particularly as it relates to youth ministry and how the church is evolving and will be relevant for future generations,” said Shawn. “With the addition of Jen, we’ll be able to continue the excellent youth ministry events that have existed for the better part of a decade, and also work at the relational aspects of developing leaders, all within the context of the district youth coordinator position.”
“I’m super pumped to rejoin our district youth ministry program. Shawn has done amazing work over the past few years and it really matches well with the ministry I get to do at McPherson College every day,” said Jen.
Shawn and Jen are excited about the future of youth ministry in Western Plains and in the wider denomination, and really value the opportunity to nurture and empower the present/future leaders of the church.
Jen Jensen and Shawn Flory Replogle, our new Sr. High Youth Co-Coordinators!