Archive for December, 2018

Peace Advocacy in the Western Plains

Once again, I find the writings of one of my favorite bloggers, Derek Maul, appropriate for expressing a vision of peace. Following is an excerpt from his Advent devotional booklet, “In My Heart I Carry a Star.”   “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before … read on

Sr. High Youth/Leader Event

Sr. High Youth/Leader Event

This event has been postponed!   Wondering about today’s relevance of Jesus? How do Jesus’ teaching really fit into your everyday life in the midst of all that is happening in our world? And where do the Brethren fit into all of this? Western Plains District Sr. High Youth Coordinators, Shawn Flory Replogle and Jen … read on

WPD Workers Serve in Puerto Rico, More Needed

WPD Workers Serve in Puerto Rico, More Needed

David and Jane Sampson spent the first two weeks of November serving with Brethren Disaster Ministries in Castener, Puerto Rico. In January, Ric and Trudy Racine of Topeka will go for two weeks, and in March, Dean Holloway, Bud and Susan Taylor of McPherson and Curtis Rink of Wichita are scheduled. Jane reports a wonderful … read on

Christmas Greetings from the District Office!

Please click the link for Seasons Greetings from the District Office staff      

I Was Just Thinking…

Yes, that time of year is here! The temperatures are now getting toward freezing. As I pass the trees along the highways, their leaves are beginning the turn from green to lovely shades of red, yellow and orange.