Archive for September, 2018

The Blessedness of Waiting

The Blessedness of Waiting

The “Blessedness of Waiting” Good friendships are rare.  A 2015 Psychology Today article, “The 13 Essential Traits of Good Friends,” suggests three broad categories to consider: integrity, caring, and congeniality. In these areas reside qualities that foster healthy relationships, qualities that include empathy, loyalty, trustworthiness and dependability. Religion in general is guilty of hijacking these … read on

Peace Advocacy in the Western Plains

Being Peace Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation from Thursday, August 23, 2018 From the Center for Action and Contemplation Paul Knitter has been an activist for peace and justice since the 1980’s. He is inspired by Engaged Buddhism, a term coined by Thich Nhat Hanh, which brings insights from Buddhist practice and teaching to social, political, … read on

Compelling Vision Conversations

Discerning a Compelling Vision Our denomination is in the process of “discerning a Compelling Vision for our life together as a denomination”.  This discernment process began at Annual Conference 2018, will continue throughout the course of this year, and then pick back up again at Annual Conference 2019.