2018 Moderator Letter

Published on Aug 16th, 2017 by wpd-office | 0

District Conference will be held July 27-29, 2018 on the McPherson College campus once again.
Please read the following letter from our District Moderator, Jane Flora-Swick.


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

“I give God thanks for each of you and your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” As your new District Moderator I want to introduce our theme for the 2018 District Conference and invite you on a journey of discovery through I Corinthians throughout this year.


Our theme for 2018 District Conference is “Know Nothing But Christ Crucified” from
I Corinthians 2:1-5.  My hope is that as we explore this theme through the year we will move to a deeper understanding of our riches in Christ Jesus, that in Him, we, though many are made one.  My hope is that as we explore Christ crucified we will receive more revelation of the power of the cross.  For me, Christ crucified is where:

  • My value and identity come from: a beloved daughter/son of the Most High God.
  • My purpose comes from: restoration of the image of God in me; I’m an image bearer of my Creator.
  • My ministry comes from: I’m here to manifest Jesus, call others into their identity, and redeem my sphere of influence with Heaven.
  • My joy comes from: loved, redeemed, free to live abundant life.


I invite you on this journey with me! My invitation is for each person in our District to read
I Corinthians each month and chapters 1-2 each week.  Let’s see what Holy Spirit will birth in us through the Word made flesh in our churches, communities and District. Transformation begins in the heart of each of us through the renewing of our minds in the Word of God. Please send me what you hear the Spirit saying as you read and meditate.  You may want to read from different translations each month.


If you would like me to speak at your church sometime during the year, please give me some dates that work for you so I can get them on my schedule.


To God be the glory for a transforming year!


Jane Flora-Swick
2018 District Conference Moderator


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