Archive for December, 2017

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Submitted by Larry Ditmars Holmesville Church of the Brethren is excited to announce the date and speaker for our annual Founder’s Day celebration. Saturday, March 10, 2018 is the date. Brother Dave Weiss of Mohrsville, Pennsylvania is to be our special guest. We invite one and all to come be a part of our special … read on

Eden Valley says “Goodbye”

Submitted by Rita Suiter It is with sorrow and joy that Eden Valley is saying goodbye to Pastor Tom Harrison and his wife Alanna. This pastoral team answered the call to serve at Eden Valley Church on September 1, 2009, and have been a blessing to our church family ever since. While we are sad … read on

Brethren Disaster Ministries travels to Eureka, MO

Brethren Disaster Ministries travels to Eureka, MO

By Bud and Susan Taylor, District Disaster Ministries Coordinators                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We had a successful trip to Eureka, MO, with eleven workers from Western Plains joining seven others as we worked on repairing basements from the December 2015 floods.  Three projects were completed during our workweek. We appreciated first-time volunteers Dennis & Mabel Friesen from McPherson and … read on

A Night of Stand-Up Comedy for a Cause!

A Night of Stand-Up Comedy for a Cause!

Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren, 7000 S Windermere/Littleton, CO, is hosting the Stand-Up for Nigeria Comedy Fundraiser for the victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria on Saturday, Jan 13, 2018 at 6:30pm. Nigerian Church of the Brethren leaders, Rev. Dr Samuel and Rev. Dr. Rebecca Dali, will also share updates about the efforts … read on

A New Look for the District Sr. High Youth Coordinator…Sort of

For the last five years, Shawn Flory Replogle has served as the Western Plains District Youth Coordinator.  The seven years prior to that, Jen Jensen served as the District Youth Coordinator, but since then, in her role as Director of Spiritual Life at McPherson College, including planning of Regional Youth Conference, she has remained in … read on

Christmas Greetings from the District Office Staff

The First Christmas Present

Samuel and Rebecca Dali visit McPherson College Campus

by June Switzer On November 29th McPherson College hosted Samuel and Rebecca Dali, Church of the Brethren leaders from Nigeria. The Dalis were on campus to share some of the work they have been doing in Nigeria. They encouraged us to remember the plight of their friends who continue to live in fear of the … read on

The Parish Paper

The Parish Paper

May 2018 edition of The Parish Paper: PP — 5 — 2018 How to Balance Hospitality and Church Security June 2018 edition of The Parish Paper: PP — 6– 2018 Making the Nursery a Place of Belonging