Archive for April, 2015

Prayer Concerns

Prayer Concerns

A recent visitor to Lisa Hazen indicates that the rapid progress of her early onset Alzheimer’s continues and has moved into the stage of physical challenges. Her family continues their concern and care. Let us add our prayers and hold Lisa in the love and light of the God she served and loves so fervently … read on

Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 3/26/15

Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 3/26/15

Minutes for March 26, 2015, 6:30 pm In attendance: Beverly and Dale Minnich, Judy Wrightsman, Joanna Smith and Wylene Lengel; Absent: Cathy Patrick, Gloria Price A short devotion and prayer was led by Wylene. The team selected Ephesians 4:12 “Why is it that he gives us these special abilities to do certain things best? It … read on

District camps workcamp weekends

The Summer Camp Season is almost here! Attend a workcamp weekend to help our District camps get ready!

Volunteers needed at District Conference

There is always a great need for volunteer help with children’s activities and childcare at District Conference, which will be held in McPherson, Kan. July 31-August 2. 

First Aid volunteers needed for Annual Conference

First Aid volunteers needed for Annual Conference


Disaster Relief Opportunities in Colorado

Western Plains has another opportunity to serve in Colorado where severe flooding occurred  in Sept. 2013.  Our week is June 28-July 3. Please prayerfully consider this and share with others you may have interest.

NOAC bus being planned for Western Plains

Plan now to attend National Older Adult Conference to be held Sept. 7-11, 2015 at Luke Junaluska, NC. For registration, lodging, and meal information, go to .

Outdoor Ministries Connection meets in Texas

Outdoor Ministries Connection meets in Texas

On March 10–13, the Outdoor Ministries Connection met at Camp Capers, an Episcopalian center in Waring, Texas. Jan Gilbert Hurst, McPherson, Kan., represented the Outdoor Ministries Association of the Church of the Brethren at this meeting.

Register for summer camp!

Register for summer camp!

With the first camp session starting May 29, the summer camp season will be upon us before we know it! Register soon!

Maintenance position open at Camp Colorado

Camp Colorado is in need of some help this summer. We are looking for a full time maintenance worker. This person must be able to do physical labor without limitations, help with mowing, trimming and at times be able to run a chainsaw. They also need to have basic plumbing, carpentry, and electrical skills.