Archive for March, 2015

Urgent disaster response opportunity in Colorado

Urgent disaster response opportunity in Colorado

A new Brethren Disaster Ministries site is opening in Greeley, Colo. in mid-May, and Western Plains District has been ask to line up volunteers for the week of May 17-23.  We do not know exactly what the work will be this first week but we do need an assistant cook. PLEASE ANNOUNCE THIS IN YOUR … read on

Camp Mt. Hermon Board Meeting and Work Days

Save-the-date for the May board meeting and Camp Work Weekend. (Read more of the Board’s March 14 meeting.)



Oh yes, Zaccheus was a wee little man, at least if that is the song you learned about the story found in Luke 19:1-10! One might picture him as a short little peacock who could not see Jesus. So he climbed a tree, perhaps congratulating himself on getting the best seat in the house without … read on

Global Women’s Mother’s Day Project

Global Women’s Project (GWP) announces our annual Mother’s Day Gratitude Project! Rather than buying more material gifts for your loved one, express your gratitude with a gift that helps other women around the world.

Update from the Topeka congregation

Update from the Topeka congregation

Over the years the Topeka Church of The Brethren has done business as Rochester Community Church of the Brethren and/or Rochester Community Church.  This has caused some confusion with persons attempting to locate our church.

Anabaptism: The Next Generation

Anabaptism: The Next Generation

Bethany Theological Seminary’s Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults has issued a reminder that registration is still open for “Anabaptism, the Next Generation,” an event held at the seminary in Richmond, Ind., on April 17-19. The event is for those in ministry with young adults and welcomes all who want to explore the … read on

Bethany Seminary offers youth workshops to churches, districts

Six workshops are being offered to churches and districts by the Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults.

Save the date for a picnic!

Save the date for the First Annual Western, Western Plains District Picnic! In connection with KonXion. Saturday, June 13, 2015 11:00am to 3:00pm Bethel Church of the Brethren Arriba, Colo. Join us for a relaxed time of fun and getting acquainted with each other!

Register soon for Men's Retreat

Register soon for Men’s Retreat

Western Plains District Men’s Retreat will be held April 17-18 at the Heartland Center for Spirituality in Great Bend, Kan. The theme will be “Calling Disciples,” based on Luke 11:9, which will be led by Steve Crain, associate professor of philosophy and religion at McPherson College. Please register by Friday, April 3.

Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 2/19/15

Congregational Resourcing Team Minutes 2/19/15

Minutes from the February, 19, Thursday 7 pm conference call Gloria Price, Judy Wrightsman, Wylene Lengel, Beverly Minnich, Dale Minnich were in attendance. Cathy Patrick and Joanna Smith were absent. Beverly shared a devotion and opened the meeting with prayer. Wylene told the group to begin working on your job descriptions/gifts for the Discernment team. … read on