Ministry Updates
Joshua Leck was ordained to ministry on Dec. 28 after completing the Education for Shared Ministries (EFSM) program.
Joshua Leck was ordained to ministry on Dec. 28 after completing the Education for Shared Ministries (EFSM) program.
Ted & Co. is coming to Kansas this winter with not one, but TWO opportunities to experience this entertaining and thought-provoking theater. Check it out!
(For summer camp registration materials, please go to the websites of Camp Colorado and Camp Mt. Hermon.) The Outdoor Ministries Team (OMT) looks forward to fun, well-led, and spirit-filled camps for the children of Western Plains district in 2015. Download the camp schedule here. We have some changes this year that parents and campers alike … read on
It’s that time of year again to Save the Date for the Jr. High Youth Rally for youth and their friends in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. It will be held March 20th – 22nd at the Community Church of the Brethren in Hutchinson, Kan. Download the flyer and registration form.
“I will change your name. You shall no longer be called ‘wounded.’ ‘outcast,’ ‘lonely,’ or ‘afraid.’” What a promise!
Each year, McPherson College offers travel opportunities during spring break that students can spend their time serving others. Two Alternative Spring Break trips will be offered this year during the McPherson College Spring Break which occurs from March 16-20, 2015.
These are the gorgeous quilt blocks that have come in from Western Plains churches for the 2015 quilt to be auctioned at District Conference!
REGIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE 2015 Theme: Keep Calm and Be a Dunker Punk
Minutes from the January 15, Thursday 7 pm conference call Cathy Patrick, Judy Wrightsman, Wylene Lengel, Joanna Smith, Beverly Minnich, Dale Minnich were in attendance. Gloria Price was absent. Wylene had a short devotion and opened the meeting with prayer. Our job descriptions/gifts for the Discernment team will be an item we put on hold … read on