Archive for February, 2014

Regional Youth Conference

Regional Youth Conference

Regional Youth Conference is coming up March 28-30 at McPherson College! The theme is “Called by God: Preparing for the Journey Together“, and guest speakers and musicians will be Jacob and Jerry Crouse. Online registration and schedule can be found at Registration deadline is March 24.

Men's Retreat

Men’s Retreat

The Western Plains District Men’s Retreat is coming up April 11-12 at Heartland Center for Spirituality in Great Bend, Kansas. Plan now to attend! Registration deadline is April 2.  You can download the brochure here.

Projects Unlimited Auction

It is time to begin preparing for the annual Projects Unlimited Auction! We hope that you will consider contributing to this year’s auction. All hand-crafted, home grown, homemade items are welcome! 

Camp Mt. Hermon T-Shirt Contest!

Camp Mt. Hermon T-Shirt Contest!

Can you believe Camp Mt. Hermon has served campers for 70 years? Yeah, it’s a big deal! We want the world to know about it, and what better way than to wear T-shirts that announce our accomplishment. You have a chance to create an awesome design for our 70th Anniversary T-shirt. Enter the T-shirt design … read on