Archive for November, 2012

December Footprints

Need a devotional series for the Advent/Christmas season? Cathy Price of the Mont Ida congregation offers a labor of love for any who wish to add it to their daily prayer life. Download her devotions “Footprints to a Closer Walk” here. The December series also includes weekly children story suggestions!

Art at District Conference 2013

Think about what light does in a dark room! The residents of New York and New Jersey in these last days have thought much about that! When one cannot have light or can have light powered by a generator only for as long as there is enough fuel for the generator, one appreciates light in … read on

2013 District Conference Theme, Speakers Announced

2013 District Conference Theme, Speakers Announced

Ken Davidson, the 2013 Western Plains Moderator, has chosen the theme for the District Conference to be held July 26-28 at McPherson College. Are you ready?! The theme will be “Transformed by the Light of Christ”! On Friday evening, the first guest speaker to expand on the theme will be Moderator Ken Davidson, pastor at … read on