Archive for June, 2012

So What Is a DEM?

So What Is a DEM?

The answer to the question, “what is a DEM,” is fairly simple.  DEM is not the word in the chorus of Dry Bones, (dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones)!   DEM stands for District Executive Minister.  Now that is not to be confused with superintendents and bishops.  What I believe I am called to do, as … read on

Transformation Vision Team Meets in McPherson

Transformation Vision Team Meets in McPherson

The Transformation Vision Team will meet on Friday, June 29 and Saturday June 30 in McPherson.  To accommodate team members joining via video-conference, the meetings will be held in Miller Library, on the McPherson College campus.  Please keep the Transformation Vision Team members in your prayers as they travel, fellowship, and discern God’s call in … read on

Church Planting Conference

Church Planting Conference

Ken Davidson, member of the New Church Development Team, attended a Church Planting Conference at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Indiana.   The conference was held May 17 through May 19, 2012, and was entitled, “Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully”.  Several other members of Western Plains District attended the conference with Davidson.